What’s a Guardian Ad Litem and How Can They Help?

A Guardian At Litem (GAL) is often an attorney who is appointed by a court to represent and protect the best interests of a child and to research, examine, advocate, facilitate, and monitor the child’s situation.  A GAL is frequently used when a court needs more information to made an educated decision during an initial custody determination, a custody modification, a relocation of a parent and a child, or in the case of a guardianship, whether a guardianship is in the best interest of the child.   

As a GAL, my duty is to complete an investigation and provide a report to the parties and the Court outlining what custody and parenting time arrangement is in the best interest of the child or children in each case. It is such a privilege to meet these amazing children, their family, and supporting friends and care providers. I welcome the opportunity to meet children in the midst of difficult situations and to provide recommendations to help all children and parties involved move forward. 

As an attorney, I often file a request for a GAL in cases involving a dispute about which parent or care provider should receive custody of a child and what parenting time arrangement will be best for the child or children in the family.  I can’t gather information directly from the child, each home, and the child’s school on my own as an attorney, but a GAL can gain this information to help support my client’s case.

Please contact me to discuss questions about your family law case.  I’m equipped to act as your attorney or, if you have an attorney, as your Guardian Ad Litem to represent your children’s best interests.  I would love to speak with you about your specific situation and answer any questions you may have about the role of a Guardian Ad Litem in your family law case.

This blog does not constitute legal advice nor does it establish an attorney client relationship.  This is for general information purposes as in most legal situations the facts and terms of an agreement between the parties can affect the results.


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