How and Why to Establish Paternity
What is Paternity?
Paternity is the process of legally establishing the identity and rights of the biological father of a child born outside of a marriage.
How is it Established?
There are only two ways paternity can be established: by signing a paternity affidavit at the hospital after the child’s birth or at the local health department OR in an action filed in the Court system.
Why Establish Paternity?
Every child deserves two supportive, caring, and involved parents in his or her life, even if those parents never married or were never in a relationship. Public policy also favors the establishment of paternity for all children so that all children are financially supported by both of their parents. While a signed paternity affidavit does formally establish paternity, a paternity affidavit DOES NOT establish parenting time or child support for the child. Further, the mother of a child born outside of a marriage has sole legal custody (decision-making) for a child. This can only be changed by an order of the Court. For more information about legal and physical custody, please click here. Filing your paternity action with the Court and receiving an Order setting out custody, parenting time, and child support is the best way to protect your rights and support your child into the future.
To get advice based on the specific facts in your case, please contact me through my website by clicking here to set up a consultation. Each child, family, and situation is different. The steps forward in your case should be considered with your specific family in mind. I would love to speak with you about your specific situation and answer any questions you may have about establishing paternity for your child.
This blog does not constitute legal advice nor does it establish an attorney client relationship. This is for general information purposes as in most legal situations the facts and terms of an agreement between the parties can affect the results.